Monday, January 12, 2009

work as I expected it

I went to work Sunday, not expecting much from the day. I'm back there and it was like I thought. At least 5 people at one point and not nearly as busy as it was on Saturday. What's up with that?? That was so ridiculous! And I know "who" makes the schedules.....ahhh the joys of being "just an indian"- and not a chief". Day went rather smoothly. Dragged on until the time for my lunch came around then it was all down hill from there. We ordered pizza for dinner, ate that and watched "One Missed Call" before going to bed. I made the comment "I am on a totally different schedule compared to yours now". Being since I was still wide awake and wanting to get on the computer. Gary said "I know-and I don't like it". He's just waiting for the day I can get a schedule similar to his so we can spend more time together, and have the same days off. I felt really bad on Sunday also, it was my sister's birthday. I was used to going to my Mom's and having dinner whenever "birthdays" came around. Also used to having weekends off and going back home to see familiar places and faces....I can only do that if I schedule them off way in advance now. Which I am getting the next to the last weekend off of this month. My therapist wanted me to go to a meeting for MS in Brentwood. I called and called to reserve our spots and to try and get more information. But my call was never returned. That really pissed me off! you'd think at least someone would have the courtesy to return a call and tell you that all the spots were filled up. Maybe I didn't call early enough. I also got a letter about another meeting in Franklin, hosted by my Rebiff nurse, Denise. There was a mistake printed in the letter and it is actually Tueday, instead of Wednesday. Gary's class is on we can't go.
Gary had his final exam last week. He did great on the first two problems.....but on the third? Due to a simple mathmatical error on his part.....he got the wrong result and used that "error" to calculate the rest of the problem. Problem was he didn't realize his error until the teacher pointed it out to him as he was grading the paper. But there is an upside to this....Gary was part of a class that had to be combined with another class during the semester. This other class was taught a different way to work this problem. And the teacher also realized that several other people from Gary's group made the same "mathmatical error". So just to make sure everyone was on the same page....this teacher decided to give all those who failed, another try.
Apparently this "second teacher" was teaching his class a totally different method, one which Gary's instructor had never seen. Gary said he didn't know when the test would be, but his teacher was going to review the material with the class again before the test was to be taken again. let's hope this time Gary passes with flying colors.

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