Today I had an appt. with Dr. Bishop for bloodwork. He was asking me what has happened since I last was in his office. I won't be going back to see my eye Dr. until early June. By that time whatever vision I have by then is what all I'll be getting. I hope to get most or all of it back. He asked if i had seen Dr. Efobi lately and I told him the last word I got from StoneCrest was that if i had an "exacerbation", to call them and we'd schedule therapy and a visit with Dr. Efobi. I am doing well as to be expected, I guess. The only thing new is weakness in my left arm. Sometimes my right acts up, but it's mostly in my left arm. I thought I was just overdoing it and started carrying my purse and all etc. on my right arm for a change. But the weakness is still there. So he made an appt for me to see Dr. Efobi again, just to check everything out, and to see if anything new has happened. Dr. Bishop did bloodwork today. You'd think that with the Rebif injections I am currently taking; the needle wouldn't hurt. But it still stung going in. (it was in my left arm too) he said I was done with him, but now I am wondering....was I supposed to have made an appt. for next time? When will the results of my bloodwork be done? And will they call me about any results? I was just so relieved to be out of there I didn't think about any of this until I was home all ready. I guess I'll call his ofice later. Gary and I went to see Dr. West(orthapedic) about my right foot and ankle. And he looked at my X-rays and after the usual questions, set me up for an MRI. The MRI showed that I had a old fracture of my 5th metatarsal, and I still had a very limited range of motion after wearing the brace all this time. He mentioned cortisone shot and getting in there with a scope to see what was going on. But he felt he wasn't fully qualified to diagnose any further, so he referred me to Dr. Derr at the Bone and Joint Clinic in Franklin. That Dr. did a "digital" X-ray. Gary and I were looking at the X-rays with him. He showed me the area around my ankle and started talking about how in this certain area of my right ankle there were two bones that were supposed to have "space" between them. This is supposed to happen around the puperty age, and was common. But for some reason mine didn't ever separate, and what ever "trauma/fall" I had so long ago knocked everything out of place and that has been causing all this pain and swelling. From what little medical knowledge I have I guess I was doing fine with not having that "space" between. But it took just the right circumstances to make everything get out of sync. So I have another follow-up with him on February 25th. He wants me to still continue wearing the brace and he commented that I had a very limited range of motion again. And we'll see how I am doing by that visit. My next visit with Dr. Efobi is on February4th. Dr. Bishop asked me if I needed a note from him to my work to shorten my hours...I don't think I'm at that point yet. With the way the economy is going now, Gary and I need all the $$$$ we can get. He's at a new job site in Columbia. He's at some TVA down there working on subcontractors. I don't know how long this new job will last. He was working in Smyrna, until he got laid off @ a week ago. It was the day of my appt. with Dr.Derr in Frankiln, and some one from the Union Hall called the house and was asking if he had his "OSHA 10". And since he did he went straight to the Union Hall, then to take a drug test, the back to the Union Hall to get the details abd address on the new job. He's come home from work so tired in the last two days....don't have a clue what kind of work he's doing. I know I haven't wrote latlely. I have been meaning to, but I get so tired. But that's normal.
We got a call from our wedding photographer. We have to write a few paragraphs about how we met and our wedding and etc. for the "Bridal Supplement" that the Camden Chronicle puts out every year in the spring. Gary told Robin that she could pick out what photos to use. I just hope it's a flattering picture of me. I don't mean to sound vain, but if this is going to be seen by anyone who reads the paper....I want to look good. I was thinking since my sister is Production Manager at the Chronicle.....maybe I could get my picture on the front page of that special supplement? Only time will tell....